
Marco Polo rocks - Interview with „Metallica“-bassist Robert Trujillo

For our documentary „Black is Back – Return of the Vinyl” we met "Metallica's" bass player Robert Trujillo. He shared his passion for vinyl with us in an interview at the vintage record store “Ratzer Records” in Stuttgart. Our documentary “Black is Back” unveils the battle of vinyl lovers worldwide who helped the record to survive: It is a fight between art and commerce. Artists, technicians, and collectors, their passion for the black disc, its unique sound and the creative possibilities were the key to keeping the vinyl record alive. This film tells the amazing story of an old, analogue technique that survived the digital transition against all odds. Many thanks to Robert Trujillo, Ratzer Records and Hawkins & Cross.

Black is Back: Return of the Vinyl

„Magical Oman“ Two Parts on ARTE


On the 22. and 23. of March 2018 at 18:35 h ARTE presents our two part documentary „Magical Oman“ from Rosie Koch und Roland Gockel. A fascinating portrait of nature and culture of the still largely unknown Arab country.




„Grizzly Encounters“ and „The Dassie“ in Missoula


Our films “Grizzly Encounters” and “The Dassie” will be screened at the renowned International Wildlife Film Festival in Missoula/Montana. We feel very honoured.

Marco Polo Film on the AFO Festival in the Czech Republic

We are proud to announce that two of our films will be screened on the Academia Film Festival Olomouc. Our film Springtime Stories is in the semifinal for an award!

„The Dassie“ is nominated once again!

Next sucess for „The Dassie“! The film from Marlen Hundertmark is nominated on the Green Image Film Festival in Japan-we are very pleased!

Air Date "Grizzly Encounters" January 15 th & 16 th 2018 18:35h on Arte!

In our two part documentary „Grizzly Encounters“, Chris Morgan shows the similarity between Alaska’s brown bears and us humans. The first part “The Hunger Challenge” will be aired on Monday, 15. of Januay 2018 on Arte, the second part “The Private Life of Bears” will be shown on 16. of January 2018 They are also available here:

Merry Christmas!

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and

a happy new year 2018!

Your Marco Polo Film Team

Premier Broadcast: The Dassies -A South African Survival Specialist

In South Africa they are quite popular, while in Europe they are still largely unknown: Dassies. If you want to know more about these extraordinary animals, turn on our production of author Marlen Hundertmark. "The Dassie - A South African Survival Specialist " November 28th 2018, 20: 15h on WDR.

Wildlife and Music: a perfect combination

For our four-part series "Wild Faces of Switzerland" (SRF / 3sat), the Swiss jazz singer Kristina Fuchs and our composer Stefan Döring have rearranged the swiss folk song "Lueget von Berg und Tal" and recorded them in four different languages - matching each episode. For example, in Italian for our episode "The Ticino" - in full length on Monday 23.11.2017, 20:15 hon 3sat.

„Storks“ nominated in Japan!

We are happy to announce that our documentary “Storks – A Village Rooftop Saga”(ZDF/Arte) is nominated at the Japan Wildlife Filmfestival 2018. Congratulations to all!