
FIRST BROADCAST of the 6-part ‘Beaches of Europe’ from 26 to 30 August 2024 on ARTE

Summer, sunshine and the sound of the sea – for most people, beaches are the epitome of the perfect holiday paradise. But they’re much more than that: they are natural habitats, and no two of them are exactly alike. The ‘Beaches of Europe’ series visits six different beaches and shows how they were formed by geological, meteorological and biological forces, and how they shape nature, above and below the water. And it introduces the people who dedicate themselves to their beach habitat in very different ways.

We are delighted to have the authors Herbert Ostwald, Rosie Koch & Roland Gockel, Annette Scheurich, Mi-Yong Brehm and Boas Schwarz take you on a journey to the ‘Beaches of Europe’ one after the other. The films are narrated by Hans Henrik Wöhler.

From Monday, 26 August 2024 at 18:35, the 6-part series will start with the first film:

‘Beaches of Europe - Spiekeroog’  by Herbert Ostwald.

This is followed daily at 18:35 resp. 18:30:

‘Beaches of Europe – The Curonian Spit’ by Rosie Koch & Roland Gockel - Tue, 27 August 2024, 18:30

‘Beaches of Europe – Santorini’ by Annette Scheurich - Wed, 28 August 2024, 18:35

‘Beaches of Europe – Sardinia’ by Mi-Yong Brehm - Thu, 29 August 2024, 18:35

And on Friday with 2 films the finale - starting at 17:50:

‘Beaches of Europe – Pozzuoli’ by Boas Schwarz - Fri, 30 August 2024, 17:50

‘Beaches of Europe – The Dune of Pilat’ by Herbert Ostwald - Fri, 30 August 2024, 18:35

We hope you enjoy watching them!


The films will also be available in the arte media library after their first broadcast:

‘Parents in the Wild’ - Part 1 in competition at the Matsalu Nature Film Festival 2024

More good news follows - ‘Parents in the Wild - Mating Games and Birth Days’ (Wilde Eltern - Mit Leidenschaft zum Nachwuchs (Teil 1) WDR/Arte, 2023) by Annette Scheurich and Moritz Mayerle has been selected for the international competition at the Matsalu Nature Film Festival 2024.

Congratulations to all involved. We keep our fingers crossed.

The festival runs from 25 September - 06 October 2024 in Estonia.

‘Parents in the Wild’ and ‘Scandinavia’ in competition in Ménigoute

Two of our productions are in competition at the Festival international du film ornithologique de Ménigoute: ‘Parents in the Wild - Mission Offspring’ (Wilde Eltern - Im Einsatz für die Kinder (Teil 2) WDR/Arte, 2023) by Annette Scheurich and Moritz Mayerle and ‘Scandinavia - Into the Darkness’ (Skandinavien - Rückkehr der Dunkelheit (Teil 2) Arte, 2023) by Mi-Yong Brehm and Verena Feige.

Congratulations on the pre-selection to both teams. The festival will take place from 29 October - 03 November 2024 in Ménigoute.

We keep our fingers crossed.

Innsbruck Nature Film Festival 2024 - Nomination for ‘Parents in the Wild’ - Part 2

Another reason to celebrate - ‘Wilde Eltern - Im Einsatz für die Kinder’ (Part 2, WDR/Arte, 2023) by Annette Scheurich and Moritz Mayerle has been nominated at the Innsbruck Nature Film Festival 2024. The festival will take place from 09 - 13 October 2024 in Innsbruck.

Congratulations and many thanks to everyone involved. Our fingers are crossed.

European Wildlife Film Awards 2025 - ‘SOKO Gartenschläfer’ in competition

We are delighted to announce more great festival news. The German version of ‘Dormouse Detectives’ - ‘SOKO Gartenschläfer’ – (BR/Arte, 2022) by Rosie Koch and Roland Gockel is in the competition for the best European nature film of the European Wildlife Film Awards 2025. The selected films will be shown in the cinema of the Embassy of Wildlife in Hamburg from February 2025.

Congratulations and many thanks to the entire team. We keep our fingers crossed.

NEW YORK Feedback II: Scandinava - Into the Light

Our film "Scandinavia - Into the Light" (ZDF/Arte) by Mio Brehm and Verena Feige was also awarded Best Feature Film at the New York Science and Nature Feedback Festival. You can see what viewers particularly liked here:

Thanks to the festival and the whole team!

NEW YORK Feedback I: Dormouse Detectives

We are delighted that the "New York Science and Nature Feedback Festival" awarded our film "Dormouse Detectives" (SoKo Gartenschläfer, BR/Arte) by Rosie Koch and Roland Gockel with the prize for Best Director in the last edition! We are particularly pleased that some viewers took the trouble to give us feedback:

Congratulations to everyone!

ERSTAUSSTRAHLUNG_ Wilde Eltern – Filme am 04.03.2024

Am Mittwoch, 3.04.2024 zeigt ARTE unsere beiden Filme "Wilde Eltern - mit Leidenschaft zum Nachwuchs" und " Wilde Eltern - Im Einsatz für die Kinder" ab 17:50h als Erstausstrahlung! Annette Scheurich und Moritz Mayerle zeigen darin die faszinierende Welt des Familienlebens im Tierreich. Die Filme gibt es auch jetzt schon in der Mediathek:

"SOKO Gartenschläfer" wins in Innsbruck!

Our production "SOKO Gartenschläfer/ Dormouse Detectives" (BR/Arte, 2022) by Rosie Koch and Roland Gockel received the award for "Best mid-length documentary" at the Innsbruck Nature Film Festival 2023!

Congratulations to the whole team and many thanks!!




GREEN SCREEN 2023 - Talk, Pitch and Special Award for "Dormouse Detectives"

The International Nature Film Festival GREEN SCREEN in Eckernförde has come to an end and was a great success!
Annette represented our documentary "The Dark Side of Bright NIghts" by Tim Visser and Sander van Iersel about light pollution at the Eckernförde Talks and, as every year, hosted the popular pitching session with Anne Olzmann. We are especially pleased that "SOKO Gartenschläfer" (" Dormouse Detectives" BR/Arte, 2022) by Rosie Koch and Roland Gockel was awarded a special prize in the category "Best Science Film"
 Thank you for the great festival, Eckernförde!